Can a woman immediately feel that fertilization has occurred? Signs of egg fertilization, symptoms of conception The first ten days after conception

Can a woman immediately feel that fertilization has occurred?  Signs of egg fertilization, symptoms of conception The first ten days after conception

Every woman should understand that certain changes have occurred in her condition - pregnancy has occurred. This is very important, because then you need to adjust your work schedule, go to bed earlier, give up bad habits, alcohol, junk food, and even wear heels less. From the very beginning, it is important to save energy, because you will still need it in the next 9 months.

Features of the conception process

Almost all women planning children know that the likelihood of conception increases during ovulation. Ovulation occurs on the 14th day from the beginning of months(you can determine the beginning of this process using a thermometer). At this time, the mature egg begins to move towards the uterus. During this movement, fertilization occurs. Next, the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus. After about 7 days, it is fixed and the embryo begins to develop. From this moment the gestation process begins.

Methods for determining early pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy in the first days are not pronounced. But there are several ways to identify an “interesting situation” early on. The choice of one of them depends on the woman’s desire, urgency and importance of obtaining the most reliable information.

Visiting a gynecologist

After a gynecological examination, the doctor will diagnose conception based on the condition of the cervix and uterus and determine the approximate period. A doctor can diagnose a seven-day pregnancy, but with one hundred percent probability he will determine a ten-day pregnancy.


The most accurate diagnostic method. Using ultrasound, you can diagnose the fact of conception after 7 days (that is, actually at the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus and the embryo begins to form).

Test - strips

This is also a very accurate detection method. But the test - you need to know how to use the strip correctly. It reacts to a specific hormone that the placenta begins to produce after fertilization - hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Its concentration in the blood increases gradually (the percentage of hCG increases by an order of magnitude every second day) and reaches the peak required for the test, by the 14th day of pregnancy. Therefore, if the pregnancy is planned, then you should not take the test before the second week. Until this point, the result may be negative only because the concentration of hCG in the blood is too low.

Symptothermal method for determining the day of conception

We can say that this is an ultra-precise method for determining an “interesting position.” The fact of conception can be established as early as 2–3 days. But this requires constant and systematic monitoring of the “behavior” of your reproductive system.

The essence of the method is that it is necessary to monitor basal temperature and the condition of the cervix. Record the observation results in a special table. A drop in temperature can mean both ovulation and pregnancy. Thus, a decrease and then an increase in body temperature may be a sign of pregnancy in the first days after conception.

To summarize the above. You can determine pregnancy in the early stages by choosing one of the following methods:

The main symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception (days 5–7)

Certain symptoms of pregnancy can be felt as early as 2–3 days after conception. This is due to the fact that even before the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cavity, the formation of an embryo occurs, the genetic code of the unborn child is “mounted,” and active division of blastomere cells occurs.

At this time you may experience:

  • a slight increase in body temperature (a condition similar to a mild cold);
  • slight spotting (appears after the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, slightly damaging the blood vessels).

The first signs of pregnancy after conception (7–10 days)

A woman who is planning a pregnancy (and any other woman) can understand that she is pregnant without any tests or ultrasound already 7–14 days after fertilization. Depending on the characteristics of the body, Women may experience these symptoms, How:

Mood swings, drowsiness, temperature changes, dizziness

All these symptoms indicate that hormonal changes are occurring in the body, it is preparing for 9 months of bearing a child. Similar symptoms may also occur during menstruation. But if there is a delay, then they are eloquent evidence that pregnancy has occurred.

Interestingly, all these symptoms disappear 5-6 days after conception, when the body has finally rebuilt itself. A woman may simply not pay attention to them.

Changes in the breast

Women can also observe certain changes in the mammary glands during menstruation. But when pregnancy occurs, these changes are much more pronounced. The breasts increase in size, swell, and become tight. A tingling sensation is felt, the nipples become extremely sensitive.

Changing the appearance of your belly

Naturally, the belly does not begin to grow from the first days of pregnancy, but since the uterus reacts to the embryo located in it and increases in size, the belly rises slightly. This symptom is especially pronounced in thin women with flat tummy. In the old days they said that the stomach “rose” like dough. This symptom usually appears 8–10 days after pregnancy.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and spotting

Pain in the lower abdomen is not uncommon during menstruation. After conception, they begin at the “wrong” time. Usually lasts several days. The pain is not very strong, you can endure it. After they stop, you need to closely monitor yourself; their repetition can become a “wake-up call” for the expectant mother.

Bloody discharge, small and not abundant, is also a normal symptom of pregnancy. Although it is extremely rare. Discharge occurs because small vessels in the uterus burst as the embryo begins to grow.

Increase in basal temperature

In the first 10 days after conception, the temperature remains stable at +37. This indicates that pregnancy has occurred (unless, of course, there is an intestinal infection).

Lack of menstruation

For some women, a slight delay is normal. But, if there is suspicion or a planned pregnancy, then the absence of menstruation 14 days after ovulation is the main sign that pregnancy has occurred.

The course of pregnancy in the first 2–4 weeks after conception

If pregnancy has occurred, then the woman can expect certain changes and manifestations (which, by the way, can become additional symptoms for those who are unsure that conception has occurred). In the first month of pregnancy, a woman can expect:

Interestingly, not all of the changes described above may occur, and symptoms may appear in the first days of pregnancy. Some women, for example, do not gain any weight at all or even lose it. This is due to stress, work pressure and other reasons. Some people do not experience early toxicosis in the first days of pregnancy, which, however, can still appear in the second and third trimester.

Carrying a child is not an easy process, especially in the first days of pregnancy. Much depends on individual characteristics and the general condition of the body. Some women at this time change their taste preferences, others become intolerant to certain smells, and others complain of muscle cramps. You should not ignore these symptoms; you should definitely consult a doctor. The fact is that they can talk, for example, about a lack of any microelements and vitamins in a woman’s body.

During pregnancy (especially in the early stages) it is necessary to adjust the daily routine, reduce physical activity, change your diet, protect yourself from drafts and hypothermia. A woman is very vulnerable during this period, since many medications (even banal analgin and citramon) are prohibited. This is why it is so important to focus on the first signs of pregnancy after conception.

Many women want to find out about their pregnancy almost immediately after conception. But the pregnancy may be too early for an accurate test. Therefore, in order to better understand what happens in the first days of pregnancy, let's look at the main signs and symptoms that indicate pregnancy.

What happens in the body in the first days of pregnancy

From a medical point of view, the first days after conception are not yet pregnancy. The fertilized egg begins to move towards the uterus, and after 7-10 days it will approach the place where it will attach and begin development from the embryo to the fetus. It is this moment of implantation of the egg to the wall of the uterus that can be considered the date of onset of pregnancy. If this does not happen, menstruation begins, and the woman does not suspect that she was pregnant. A so-called spontaneous miscarriage occurs in the early stages.

When the fertilized egg reaches the uterus and implants into its walls, embryo implantation occurs. After which the process of formation of the placenta and umbilical cord begins. The first seven days after conception are the most important for preserving a new life, since the mother’s body treats the embryo as a foreign body, trying to get rid of it, not allowing it to firmly establish itself in the uterus.

When the embryo is successfully implanted, hormonal changes begin in the body. A woman’s body produces a specific hormone, hCG, which protects the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy. Therefore, you can determine pregnancy in the first days after conception by taking a blood test for hCG or purchasing sensitive tests for 10 MIU/ml

In the first days of pregnancy, the level of hCG in the blood is higher than in the urine. The level of hCG in the urine is less than the level of hCG in the blood and is approximately 1 day behind. Therefore, a blood test for hCG will give a reliable result, and a day later, a pregnancy test will show a positive result.

How the embryo develops in the first days of pregnancy

Although pregnancy does not officially begin in the first days after conception, this time is of great importance for the development of a new life. In the body of the embryo, the formation of internal organs, nervous, respiratory, and digestive systems begins. Let us consider in detail, step by step, what happens to the embryo in the first days of pregnancy.

  • The development of the future baby begins after the formation of the zygote. With the help of villi located inside the fallopian tubes, the fertilized egg, starting from the first day of conception, is directed to the uterus, which will provide it with nutrition and the opportunity to develop.
  • The movement of the egg continues, accompanied by intensive cell division of the zygote.
  • The number of cells increases to nine by the third day.
  • On the fourth day, the shape of the fertilized egg resembles a blackberry. The egg is still moving towards the uterus. At this time, the physiological processes of formation of all vital systems of the child’s internal organs are launched.
  • Cells continue to divide continuously. At the same time, the formation of new cells - blastomeres - begins. They produce special enzymes that soften the epithelium of the uterus so that the embryo can easily attach to its walls. By the fifth day, the zygote reaches the uterus and penetrates its mucous membrane by immersing its fibers in the endometrium. The tissues of the fertilized egg penetrate the capillaries and tissues of the uterus. HCG levels are rising.
  • By the sixth or seventh day, the level of progesterone in the body of the expectant mother increases and body temperature rises. In the womb, continuous cell division continues, the embryo receives nutrition from the resources of the egg.
  • On the eighth or ninth day, the neural tube of the fetus is formed; The formation of placental tissues occurs, which will develop over the next three months.

On the fifth day, within forty hours, the embryo completely merges with the tissues of the uterus. A strong bond between mother and child occurs on the 12th day. At this time, the placental type of nutrition of the embryo is established.

When do pregnancy symptoms appear in the first days?

Symptoms in the first days of pregnancy depend on the physiological characteristics of the expectant mother’s body. Early signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception can be detected on days 8-14. These periods are determined by the body’s sensitivity to hormonal changes, so they may vary for each woman.

Some women note that already in the first days of pregnancy they have all the symptoms of successful conception, approximately on the 5th day. What we mean here is that to do this, women listen to their bodies and recognize even changes in their condition that are imperceptible at first glance. By the 12th day of the cycle, pregnancy symptoms are already more pronounced.

Early signs in the first days of pregnancy

The main signal in the first days of pregnancy for a healthy woman is a delay in menstruation. Those women who do not want to get pregnant and who do not control their condition notice a delay in the 2-3 third week of pregnancy. A sign that a fertilized egg has implanted into the wall of the uterus is the following manifestations:

  1. Weak bleeding. Light bleeding may appear 7-12 days after conception due to the attachment of the embryo to the uterus. Implantation bleeding appears as a brownish or yellowish fluid if the discharge gets on tissue or paper. Implantation bleeding is often mistaken for the onset of your period if the pregnancy was not expected. If such discharge appeared when pregnancy was reliably determined, then this may be a signal of a high risk of miscarriage. Then be sure to consult a doctor. Due to the specific reaction of the body, this symptom may not appear.
  2. Change in basal temperature. Women often use the method of measuring basal temperature as a way to determine the date of ovulation in preparation for pregnancy. If fertilization is successful, the basal temperature drops and then rises. The decrease in basal temperature in the first days of pregnancy depends on the onset of hormonal changes: when pregnancy occurs, a significant amount of estrogen enters the blood, under the influence of which the temperature decreases, and then increased production of progesterone occurs, which increases this indicator. If a woman whose pregnancy has been confirmed keeps a chart of measuring her basal temperature, she may notice a dip in the place where the temperature drops. But it lasts only one day, then the temperature rises again. The normal basal temperature is 37° C, it is maintained until the placenta begins to function fully (the first weeks). This decline can be missed, but the increase in temperature over two to three weeks cannot be ignored.
  3. Feeling slightly unwell. In the first days of pregnancy after conception, a woman may experience malaise, accompanied by drowsiness and weakness. Some people report a sore throat and runny nose. This occurs due to reduced immunity fighting the attached embryo. In the first three months, body temperature is always slightly elevated, which causes general weakness. At this time, the most important thing is not to use medications that can unpredictably affect the fetus. When preparing for pregnancy, you should not use medications at all unless absolutely necessary. Apathy and fatigue are also often observed. The reason for this is not only hormonal changes in the body, but also the intensive production of progesterone. Sometimes these symptoms stop soon, sometimes they continue until week 10, when estrogen begins to be produced.
  4. Unusual sensations in the chest. Mammary glands in first days of pregnancy The breasts begin to swell and the sensitivity of the breasts increases to the point of painful sensations. Even a slight touch can cause pain.
    It happens that the opposite happens. If before the woman experienced painful sensations, now the breasts do not bother her at all. Usually after this, after some time, it will become known about the pregnancy. Often in the early stages of pregnancy, colostrum may be released when there is pressure on the areola.
  5. Heaviness in the lower abdomen. A feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area may indicate the development of pregnancy. After embryo implantation, some women may feel the uterus in a special way. The degree of severity of this sensation depends on the characteristics of the body.
  6. Tingling in the uterus. Such individual sensations may indicate not only successful fertilization and implantation of the egg, but also certain diseases. A doctor's consultation is required.
  7. Early toxicosis. Along with nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, it may indicate pregnancy. Symptoms of toxicosis include increased sensitivity to smells and tastes. Women often note a dramatic change in food preferences.

In the first days of pregnancy, something that was previously disgusting can become attractive. Unusual food combinations may be interesting: herring with chocolate, dried fish with compote, sausage with pineapple. The expectant mother enjoys the taste, while those around her wrinkle their noses at the sight of such combinations.

These signs may not always signal successful conception. They are easily confused with symptoms of chronic diseases of various systems and internal organs. Only the presence of other reliable signs of pregnancy can confirm or refute the condition. A medical examination will also provide accurate information.

How to determine pregnancy in the first days after conception

Identifying or feeling the first days of pregnancy is very problematic. This can be done only after seven days; before that you can only listen to the internal signals of your body. Here are a number of methods for diagnosing pregnancy:

  • Pregnancy test strips. The greatest reliability of this method can be achieved if the test is performed 7-10 days after conception. This is due to the fact that it is then that hCG appears in the urine. Previously, it was almost impossible to get a positive result - the hormone content was too low for diagnosis.
  • Blood test for hCG. A blood test for hCG content allows you to obtain the most reliable results in diagnosing pregnancy. The level of hCG in the blood is much higher than in the urine and suggests the possibility of diagnosis 6-9 days after conception.
  • Examination by a gynecologist. In preparation for implantation, the uterus increases in size and swells. The cervix changes color and texture, becoming bluish, loose and moist. With the help of a gynecological examination, pregnancy is determined at 4-5 weeks.

Why is it important to detect pregnancy in a timely manner?

Every woman should know how the first days of pregnancy manifest themselves. This information is important for a number of reasons:

  1. The likelihood of termination of pregnancy for medical reasons;
  2. Possibility of identifying genetic and hereditary diseases in the early stages of fetal development;
  3. Prevention of the development of pathological ectopic pregnancy.

If the expectant mother suffers from any chronic diseases that do not allow her to safely bear a child, then diagnosis and timely termination of pregnancy will protect the woman’s life and health from danger. Early examinations help to avoid the birth of a child with genetic pathologies such as Down syndrome.

What should a woman do at the first symptoms of pregnancy?

If a woman discovers signs of pregnancy, she needs to visit an antenatal clinic. After diagnosis and confirmation of pregnancy, the expectant mother will be registered if she wants to keep the baby.

Carrying a baby is a serious responsibility that a woman takes upon herself. In order for this process to proceed safely and the baby to be born healthy, the expectant mother is strongly recommended to give up all bad addictions and pay attention to her diet and lifestyle.

What can threaten mother and baby in the first days of pregnancy?

The first days of pregnancy and the subsequent weeks of the first trimester are the most important period throughout the entire period of bearing a baby. To avoid unwanted risks, you need to approach it responsibly.

The main dangers in the first days of pregnancy are:

  • Improper development of the embryo;
  • Frozen pregnancy;
  • Possibility of miscarriage;
  • Ectopic pregnancy.

The following factors may increase the risk of these complications:

  1. Colds;
  2. ARVI;
  3. Stress;
  4. Drinking alcohol and smoking;
  5. Sexually transmitted infectious diseases;
  6. Excessive physical activity, injuries;
  7. Constant pain in the lower abdomen;
  8. Vaginal discharge combined with pain.

That is why in the first days of pregnancy it is very important to take care of your health and be very attentive and listen to your body.

To avoid risks, in the first days of pregnancy you should spend more time outdoors, try to avoid stress, temperature changes, and follow the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Discharge after ovulation, if conception is successful

The emergence of new life in a woman’s body is subject to a number of complex interrelated processes. Provided that all factors for conception have shown themselves to be positive, and the development of the fetus. They become a clear signal discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred successfully and the woman will soon become a mother.

  • What happens after conception?
  • Changes in the female body during pregnancy

On what day does conception occur after ovulation?

The reproductive system is built very intelligently and fragilely. Every twenty-eight days, it potentially prepares for the birth of a new life, which means that the body waits almost every month for the moment the reproductive cell meets the sperm.

The menstrual cycle resembles general preparation for the main event - ovulation. – this is the key, most important link in the process of the emergence of a new life. Depending on whether the egg was released during the cycle, the possibility depends.

When an egg is released in a woman’s body, a germ cell ready to merge with a sperm is released from the maturing follicle. Towards her other half, she moves along the fallopian tube, hastily driven by the villi of the mucous membrane.

Nature determines how many days after ovulation conception occurs - this is the middle of the cycle. Girls with a stable cycle can even find out what day conception occurs after intercourse or plan it in advance. In some cases, ovulation shifts by several hours or days, this can happen for the following reasons:

  • past illnesses;
  • taking medications;
  • changes in climate zone;
  • stress;
  • overheating or hypothermia, etc.

Women who want to get pregnant “catch” the release of the reproductive cell in various available ways - by measuring the temperature in the rectum, express tests, etc. Knowing what day after ovulation conception occurs, you can predict contact with the father of the child or. In this matter, you can trust scientific methods, but also listen to your own feelings - for the majority during this period, sexual desire intensifies.

The luteinizing hormone, which reaches its maximum during this period, plays a decisive role in the release of the germ cell. Under the influence of the hormone, the follicle walls burst after one and a half to two days, and the female reproductive cell is sent to the uterus.

To understand when conception occurs after ovulation, you need to know how long the most important cells - eggs and sperm - live. The female reproductive cell is the most capricious, as a real lady should be - its life lasts only 12-24 hours. But a group of assertive “suitors”, although not quickly, but confidently strive for their chosen one several hours after penetrating the female body. For sperm to get into the uterus, they have to travel a rather dangerous path. The genital tract secretes a mucous secretion that prevents its progress. Despite the fact that sperm require several hours to fuse with the egg, they themselves live for about six days. Some sperm become inactive by day 5.

The result is that fertilization after the release of the egg from the follicle occurs directly on the first day, since it simply does not survive any longer. If the sperm is late, then the “other half” dies.

If we take the time of sex as a basis and consider the question of how long it takes for conception to occur after intercourse, then here we need to start from exactly the opposite - from the lifespan of the male cell. As mentioned above, sperm are most capable in the first six days after sexual intercourse. This means that even if directly during PA the female reproductive cell was not yet ready to accept the sperm, then already on the fifth day of the sperm’s stay in the uterus, their fusion can occur and a zygote is formed. Therefore, when conception occurs, it will not be possible to determine exactly after the act, because the process can take up to five days. But this means that within a few days after sex, the expectant mother can become the happy owner of a small miracle under her heart.

What does it feel like after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

The question of the meeting of cells is another 50% of success on the path to the formation of a zygote. No one knows exactly what day fertilization occurs after conception, but most medical literature estimates the time required for fertilization to be approximately seven days.

The fusion of two germ cells in a significant proportion of cases does not fundamentally affect the woman’s health. After all, to trigger hormonal changes in the body, implantation of the embryo into the uterus is necessary, which is still worth waiting for.

However, indirect symptoms of successful ovulation still exist. Those girls who want to get pregnant and cannot do this for a long time know how to understand that pregnancy is occurring, so they follow this process with particular closeness. They already know what discharge is after ovulation, if conception has occurred, so they look forward to it. So, they include:

  • Persistently elevated basal temperature, which usually decreases after “idle” ovulation. As a rule, a temperature of 37 degrees is considered normal, because the metabolism in the body of the expectant mother accelerates, which means the temperature also rises. When measuring basal temperature after successful fertilization, the indicators may increase by several divisions to create a comfortable temperature regime for the zygote.
  • Breast engorgement and. Since in the first days after ovulation the level of hormones is still high, the processes regulated by these hormones remain relevant.

What kind of discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

The process of release of the germ cell may be accompanied by a slight release of blood during disruption of the integrity of the follicle and damage to the smallest vessels, but this does not happen in all women. Knowing what it feels like after ovulation, if conception has occurred, the expectant mother may not worry about the discharge. Blood is also not always visible. It is rare that there are clear stains of blood on underwear that is released directly from the follicle.

Discharge may become more obvious when the zygote implants into the uterine wall. This happens approximately seven days after fertilization. During this time, the uterus receives a signal that it needs to accept the embryo. Normal changes occur in the uterus - its walls soften, swell, store nutrients, and microscopic villi work to “capture” the fertilized oocyte.

Microtrauma that occurs when tiny damage to the uterine wall during pregnancy (after a week) provokes implantation bleeding, traces of which can be seen on underwear. Do not be alarmed, because a few drops of blood in the middle of the cycle do not indicate pathology at all, and bleeding itself is the norm for this significant event. The absence of implantation bleeding does not guarantee the absence of conception.

What does it feel like after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

The first fourteen days after conception are an extremely important period for the fetus and an intriguing period for the expectant mother. She does not feel how many days conception occurs after the act, she does not yet know what is happening to her body, but the embryo is already developing in full force. By this time, the embryo is well immersed in the villi of the uterus, and it, in turn, signals the beginning of gestation to other systems and organs.

From this moment on, a specific hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, will enter the blood and urine of the pregnant woman. Most of the cells are structured based on the presence of this hormone. Unfortunately, the first week does not yet produce high levels of the hormone, so tests cannot yet confirm or deny pregnancy. But immediately after the date of the expected menstruation, which potentially should have occurred in 2 weeks, such a test can be done.

Let's look at what happens after conception day by day.

Period Changes taking place
1-5 day In the first four days, the zygote actively divides exponentially. Daughter cells appear. At the same time, the zygote moves along the fallopian tube and descends into the uterus for attachment. As a result of division, a blastula appears - a small vesicle with a cavity inside it. The walls of the blastula consist of two layers. The outer layer of smaller cells is called trophoblast. The outer membranes of the embryo are formed from it. And larger cells located inside the blastula give rise to the embryo. By this time, the embryo can already boast 58 cells and a third of a millimeter in height. Initiated by the emergence of the embryo from the protein shell.
6-7 day At this time, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. A special enzyme is secreted on the surface of the blastula, which makes the walls of the uterus more loose. As a rule, the mucous membrane of the organ is already ready to receive the embryo - the walls of the uterus become thicker, blood vessels grow, and the uterine glands are stimulated. Small villi appear on the surface of the blastula, which increase the adhesion of the surface of the blastula and the uterine mucosa. After the blastula attaches, the villi gradually atrophy and remain only on the attachment side. At the site of attachment of the trophoblast and the mucous membrane of the uterus, the placenta is laid, which will nourish the baby until birth.
7-15 day During this period, the cells form two vesicles: an ectoblastic vesicle is formed from the outer cells, and an endoblastic vesicle is formed from the inner cells. The outer cells grow tightly together with the mucous membrane, and the umbilical cord is formed in the initial stage, as well as the nervous system. The second week is the first critical period, the success of which determines the further development of the embryo. It is very important that the embryo attaches tightly in the uterine cavity and begins to fully divide - it is at this time that the pregnancy can fail if the embryo does not attach. In this case, menstruation will begin, and the woman will never know about a possible pregnancy.

In the first two weeks, the embryo increases in size and reaches one millimeter. It is also surrounded by a special protective film that provides power. The third week gives the fetus the opportunity to grow a little more, and after another two weeks the baby can be seen on an ultrasound scan - ultrasound screening. Doctors will set the obstetric gestational age - not when conception occurs after intercourse, but from the beginning of the last menstruation.

What does it feel like after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

In the first days, the hormonal background of the expectant mother undergoes colossal changes. Under the influence of human chorionic gonadotropin, the corpus luteum releases the hormone into the blood. From now on, it is progesterone that is responsible for the life of the unborn baby. The task of this hormone is to prepare the mucous membrane and control the location and attachment of the fetus. In a significant proportion of cases, it plays a decisive role in spontaneous abortion - termination of pregnancy at this stage.

The same hormonal background will inhibit menstruation and cause classic manifestations of toxicosis: nausea and vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite. As a rule, the expectant mother already suspects pregnancy, and toxicosis only confirms her assumptions.

Under the influence of hormones, external changes occur in a woman - she becomes more rounded, her shape is smoothed out, and the oval of her face is slightly rounded. She still doesn’t know what happens day by day to her body after conception, but the first signs are already appearing. The breasts do not become smaller; on the contrary, it is at first that a bursting feeling is felt in the chest, which indicates the preparation of the passages and alveoli of the mammary glands.

The reproductive system also undergoes changes. The cervix closes tightly, protecting the new life, and metamorphoses also occur with the vagina and labia - they thicken and become softer. In this way, the body protects the baby from injury and prepares the birth canal.

To summarize, it can be noted that even without knowing how many days fertilization occurs after conception, vaginal discharge will indicate the onset of pregnancy. It can also be stated with certainty that conception after ovulation occurs within 1–2 days, and after sexual intercourse - within 5 days, since it is during this period of time that the viable sperm “living” in the uterus waits for ovulation to occur.

Thus, both the time of ovulation and the time of sexual intercourse influence conception. By monitoring the nature of the discharge, it is possible to determine with a high probability whether fetal conception has occurred or not.

The woman listens to her feelings, trying to notice any possible signs of conception. In fact, in the first week of pregnancy after conception, obvious symptoms appear weakly, but they still exist. Certain changes begin to occur in the female body, which indicate the development of a new life.

By 1 week, the baby is embedded in the epithelial tissues of the uterus. Human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced.

This is a clear sign of pregnancy. There are two ways to detect this:

  • Take a clinical blood test.
  • Do it yourself, using morning urine, which contains the highest concentration of hCG after conception.

PECULIARITY! Not all women have human chorionic gonadotropin levels higher than normal at 1 week, thereby signaling pregnancy. If the result is negative, this does not mean that conception has not occurred.

Then you can listen to changes in the body, internal sensations. With developed sensitivity, it is easy to understand what signals the body sends if a new life is born in it.

What happens in 1 week of pregnancy?

After conception, the fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus, which prepares to receive it. Pregnancy in the first week is a conditional time during which a woman’s body undergoes important changes and prepares for the development of the fetus.

is in the stage of crushing while moving through the fallopian tubes, gradually increasing in size. They are helped to move by special cilia and contractions of the walls of the fallopian tubes.

Unfertilized eggs die after 12-24 hours, but a fertilized egg dies when it enters the uterus. Changes begin in the body, hormonal levels are rearranged.

Condition of the uterus

Changes at the beginning of pregnancy mainly begin in the uterus. At the early stage of the origin of life, structural changes begin in the female womb. Chemical processes occur that affect the entire body of the expectant mother.

The uterus has the following features:

  • Practically does not change its location.
  • It becomes soft and the neck thickens.
  • A mucous plug forms in the area, preventing pathogens from penetrating into the reproductive organ. This is how the fetus, while in the uterus, is protected from infection.

Slight nagging pain in the abdomen may occur as a result of relaxation of the pelvic ligaments. This is how the woman’s body prepares for the upcoming birth.


The mammary glands of the expectant mother become sensitive, and breast elasticity increases.

From 1 week, the breasts grow and increase in size.

But not all expectant mothers have it denser immediately after conception.

PECULIARITY! While in some women breast swelling occurs immediately, in some women this does not occur even within a month. Each organism is individual. It is better to consider the first signs of pregnancy not individually, but in combination.

The thickening and growing breasts of the expectant mother require careful handling. You need to choose the right underwear so that it does not restrict breathing, is comfortable and is made from natural materials.


At an early stage, a woman’s belly does not grow. A barely noticeable rounding appears only in mothers with experience, and even then not immediately. At the time of implantation of the egg or during the contraction of the fallopian tubes, when the embryo moves towards the uterus, mild nagging pain in the abdomen may occur.

If the pain goes away quickly and does not cause noticeable discomfort, there is no need to worry. This phenomenon is normal in the first week of pregnancy. When the nagging pain intensifies and heavy bleeding begins, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

What happens to the fetus?

There is no such thing as a fetus yet. The unborn baby is just a fertilized egg that travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus to be implanted in its walls.

But he already carries half of his mother’s genetic material and half of his father’s. By the end of the week, the embryo is implanted into the epithelial tissue of the uterus.

The egg divides and becomes larger. The formation of the placenta and umbilical cord begins. At this moment, the embryo is still small, it cannot even be seen on an ultrasound, but it is closely related to the mother.

A woman can address the baby and talk to him. Such close contact has a positive effect on his further development.

Changes in the mother's body

The first changes indicate the very fact of pregnancy. Some of them are noticeable only during a gynecological examination, but most of the changes can be noticed by the woman herself.

These include the following:

  • The uterus slightly enlarges, its surface softens.
  • The vaginal mucosa turns a little blue.
  • There is no menstruation and related processes.

INTERESTING! If a woman ovulates late or coincides with the beginning of the next menstrual cycle, scanty periods may occur in the first week. In the absence of severe pain, this is considered normal. But in the following months, the expectant mother should not have menstruation, otherwise there will be a risk of miscarriage.

  • Hormonal levels are being adjusted.
  • Frequent urination, constipation.

The changes are due to the body’s preparation for pregnancy and the successful birth of a child. All systems and organs adapt to the process of fetal development.

Main signs of conception

In the first week after conception, a woman may experience a condition similar to menstruation.

At this time, a woman experiences:

  • Delayed menstruation – with a regular cycle.
  • Painful sensations of unknown origin.
  • Heaviness in the uterine area.
  • Abdominal bloating, as if it is bursting. The clothes seem tight, although the tummy is not growing yet.
  • Tingling in the chest, swelling.
  • Changes in blood pressure.
  • Emotional instability.
  • Darkening of the nipples.
  • Flatulence is a concern.
  • Changes in the nature of vaginal discharge.

This is how a woman’s body signals pregnancy.


By this time, the fertilized egg should be implanted in the uterus. This is a dangerous period - there is a high probability of miscarriage.

ATTENTION! The woman’s immune system initially perceives the fetus as a foreign body that poses a threat to the body. This is especially true for expectant mothers with good immunity.

To prevent the expectant mother’s body from getting rid of the egg attached to the uterus, the immune system is slightly weakened. In this regard, the woman feels slightly unwell and lethargic. Body temperature may rise, often making you sleepy.

In the morning, nausea disturbs, sensitivity to smells and food worsens. Bizarre and new taste preferences arise. Some women want to chew chalk if there is a significant lack of calcium in the body. Appetite disappears or increases.


Among the main signs of pregnancy is implantation bleeding. It occurs after the implantation of the egg into the uterine cavity.

After the embryo has successfully attached to the uterus, a barely noticeable pinkish or brown discharge appears. They have a smearing character. Sometimes the discharge can simply not be noticed.

The duration of implantation bleeding cannot last more than two days. If it takes longer, this is already a deviation from the norm and a reason to seek advice from a specialist.

If a woman’s discharge becomes bloody and its volume increases, and at the same time there is an acute nagging pain in the lower abdomen, an urgent need to consult a doctor. Any increased bleeding during this period is a risk of miscarriage.

What will the ultrasound show?

In the first week after conception, there is no need to do an ultrasound if the woman feels great. This can harm the baby, so ultrasound examination is recommended to be carried out no earlier than three months or as prescribed by a doctor in exceptional cases.

An ultrasound may show abnormalities. These include:

  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Cyst or tumor.
  • Inflammatory process.

During a normal pregnancy, the study may show the absence of a dominant follicle, because ovulation is no longer expected and conception has already occurred.

But this cannot be considered as a clear sign of pregnancy for those who are looking forward to it, because women have menstrual cycles without ovulation - 1 or 2 times a year, and this is considered the norm.

How to properly prepare for the process of bearing a child?

In order for the expectant mother to have a healthy baby, and for the process of bearing it to proceed safely, the woman needs to take care of her health in advance. When planning a pregnancy, you need to pay attention to many factors.

Exercising is a great way for an expectant mother to prepare for pregnancy and bearing a baby. It’s especially worth spending time on your body.

Morning or evening slow running trains endurance and improves the functioning of the respiratory system. After regular jogging, women's back and legs become stronger.

If conception has already occurred, running is contraindicated. Then the expectant mother can swim in the pool, do yoga for pregnant women, and race walking.

Kegel exercises

With the help of a specific complex, women develop vaginal muscles. When you master the exercises, it is easier to endure childbirth. The expectant mother reduces the risk of injury and rupture by increasing the elasticity of the vaginal muscles.

You can do the exercises yourself and at home, or contact a specialist by signing up for individual or group training.

Positive attitude

It is advisable for a woman to set herself up for the best, to think in a positive way. Pleasant emotions have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. The expectant mother can listen to beautiful music - classical works, sounds of nature. This calms and pacifies a woman.

Good mood for the expectant mother is facilitated by adequate sleep lasting 8-10 hours and regular walks outside. At the same time, a woman needs to choose comfortable clothes and shoes so as not to injure herself and the baby.

If you want to give birth to a healthy baby, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is advisable to start at least six months before the expected conception.

During this time, it is necessary to identify possible hidden pathologies and overcome bad habits.

If pregnancy has already occurred, then you cannot experiment with your body. Any sudden changes will not improve your health.

First, it is advisable for a woman to consult a gynecologist and undergo a medical examination to ensure that the reproductive and digestive systems are functioning properly.

The expectant mother needs to pay attention to her hormonal levels. It is good if, before the moment of conception, the expectant mother puts her teeth in order.

A woman must undergo the following tests:

  • Blood for sugar.
  • Test for toxoplasmosis if there are pets in the apartment.
  • Blood for Rh factor.

In order for the baby to develop comfortably in the mother’s womb, a woman must follow the recommendations of doctors:

  • Eat in small portions, but often. You should not starve yourself or overeat.
  • Get a good night's sleep. Healthy sleep is beneficial for both mother and baby.
  • Take vitamins.
  • To walk outside.
  • Perform breathing exercises to generally relax the body.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Do not contact people infected with viral infections.
  • Rest on time.
  • Stick to a diet.

This will help the female body cope with the load placed on it during pregnancy.


At an early stage of pregnancy, the foods that make up the expectant mother's menu must contain sufficient amounts of nutrients.

In the first week of pregnancy, a woman’s diet should include:

  • Lean meats, boiled or stewed.
  • Fatty fish, rich in omega acids.
  • Fresh fruits, fruits, vegetables, herbs.
  • Fermented milk products. It is advisable to drink whole milk or eat yogurt daily.

The expectant mother can have sugar, but not more than 50 g per day. You can use honey instead of sugar. It is better to replace animal fats with vegetable oil. The cooking method is also important. It is extremely undesirable to get carried away with fried, spicy, smoked foods. It is better to replace them with steamed, stewed or boiled food.

What's prohibited?

Pregnancy is not a disease, but only a special state of the body. The woman feels quite well, allowing her to do her usual activities. But the expectant mother definitely needs to reduce her physical activity.

From the first week of pregnancy, a woman is prohibited from:

  • Work more than 6 hours without a break.
  • Sitting at the computer for a long time.
  • Work night shifts, go on business trips.
  • Lift weights – things over 3 kg.
  • Sitting or standing for a long time.
  • Move or lift furniture and any large objects.
  • When cleaning, use aggressive detergents with chlorine and strong aromatic additives.
  • Drink strong tea and coffee.
  • Drink alcohol, smoke.
  • Visit the solarium, bathhouse.
  • Take a hot bath.
  • Take x-rays.
  • Listen to loud music and be near sound amplifiers.

Taking vitamins

Vitamins should definitely be on the menu of the expectant mother. During pregnancy, the need for calcium, iodine and other trace elements doubles.

If a woman does not have enough vitamins, the growing fetus will begin to take the necessary substances from her body. The bones, teeth, and hair of the pregnant woman will be damaged.

ATTENTION! Vitamins are prescribed only by a doctor. You cannot prescribe them for yourself or rely on the advice of friends or women’s forums.

A doctor may prescribe folic acid to reduce hereditary problems, improve the condition of the fetus, and reduce the negative influence of the external environment. Vitamin E is also useful for a pregnant woman, as it participates in the formation of the placenta and prevents the threat of miscarriage. For normal metabolism, the expectant mother needs iodine. The body especially needs it in early pregnancy.

A woman can take vitamins prescribed by a doctor, or find an alternative to them - eat foods that contain the necessary active substances. 40 strawberries per day contain the daily requirement of folic acid. Iodine is found in seaweed, seafood, and figs. Vitamin C can be obtained from fresh oranges.

But in everything it is worth observing moderation. If a woman wants to rely on vegetables and fruits instead of ready-made vitamins, this issue is discussed with her doctor. An excess of active substances is also harmful.

In order for the baby to develop safely, a woman needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and be positive.

For the harmonious development of the fetus, 1 week after conception, the expectant mother is recommended:

  • Quit smoking, including passive smoking - try not to breathe tobacco smoke.
  • Stop taking medications prescribed before pregnancy. This is especially true for antibiotics.
  • Avoid stress and nervous tension.
  • If you have a cat in the house, use gloves to clean its litter box and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
  • Appear less often in public places during cold epidemics.
  • Avoid crowds and crushes on public transport.

The first week is exciting and difficult for the expectant mother. A woman does not always realize that she is in an interesting situation, but if all the signs are obvious, she should immediately think about the correctness of her lifestyle and listen to the recommendations of specialists.


Watch a short video about the first week of pregnancy.

First pregnancy symptoms in the first days after conception sometimes you can miss it. Early signs of fertilization appear on different days of the menstrual cycle. Do they always indicate the presence of pregnancy? A visit to the doctor will best dispel your doubts. However, before that, you can read what the most typical first signs look like.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first weeks not at all easy to distinguish. Some of them can also appear during a cold or poisoning, so women sometimes have no idea that they are expecting a child. However, if they really want to become mothers, they may, on the contrary, have a tendency to interpret the signs of any ailment - for example, the flu - as early pregnancy symptoms. Therefore, it is better to get reliable information about how you can find out that you are expecting a baby, and which symptoms are considered signs of pregnancy and which do not indicate it.

May occur as early as approximately 10 days after fertilization. Suddenly the woman becomes very nervous: at one moment she wants to jump for joy, at another she becomes despondent. An increased appetite appears or, on the contrary, you don’t feel like eating anything, and there is a desire to curl up in a ball on the bed and hide from the whole world. Does this indicate pregnancy? Yes, quite likely.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days

Early pregnancy symptoms: everything annoys me

Mood swings are one of the very first signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception. The reasons for the appearance of irritability, bouts of crying and anger will initially be incomprehensible to you. However, when you get the idea that these don't have to be signs of PMS or fatigue, you start to think it's pregnancy. Perhaps when you think about the fact that you can expect a child, your mental state will improve. First symptoms of pregnancy associated with mood swings are due to the action of progesterone. Although its role is very important (it not only promotes the implantation of a fertilized embryo in the uterus, but also the correct course of pregnancy), a side effect of its action is the disruption of the emotional balance of the expectant mother. Instead of fighting these mood swings, try to take care of yourself: allow yourself to relax after work, enjoy moments with your family, and do not overexert yourself.

Early pregnancy symptoms: I feel tired all the time

After conception, the body begins to prepare for the enormous effort of preparing for childbirth that is pregnancy. Feeling tired, another one symptoms of pregnancy in the first days, is connected precisely with the changes that occur in your body. Fatigue, an early symptom of pregnancy, can be easily distinguished from everyday fatigue - in first days of pregnancy sensations fatigue will be constant, it seems chronic, since it lasts much longer. The reason for this is also progesterone, which slows digestion, causes nausea and lowers blood pressure. As with mood swings, fatigue is difficult to combat, but you need to try to provide the body with favorable conditions. The best way to recover is through sleep, so take a nap as soon as you realize you need it. Already in the second trimester of pregnancy, you will feel much better and even feel a surge of energy.

Early pregnancy symptoms: I have no appetite

You don't have to have a voracious appetite. Yes, one of early signs of pregnancy There may be an increased appetite, but it does not always appear - you may as well not feel hungry at all. The issue of appetite is an individual matter, so you shouldn’t think that if you don’t eat for two, you’re not pregnant. It is also often said that various kinds of dietary cravings are among the early symptoms of pregnancy. It is believed that women begin to enjoy eating pickles, alternating them with ice cream, and that they become addicted to flavors that they did not like before pregnancy. Research does not confirm how reliable this is. In each woman, these symptoms may manifest themselves to varying degrees, and the cause may be a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice during pregnancy.

Early pregnancy symptoms:

In the first days after fertilization, the breasts become swollen and tense. It becomes heavier and increases in size - this is due to the fact that the glandular cells, which will later contribute to milk production, also increase in size. The same thing happens with the volume of blood and lymph: blood flow increases, the vessels expand and begin to shine through thin skin. Now the vascular network will be visible - this is one of the. The breasts become painful, and the feeling of discomfort may constantly bother you - every touch causes pain.

Early pregnancy symptoms: lack of menstruation

Women who have irregular periods may not even know they are pregnant for several months. Lack of menstruation is one of the early pregnancy symptoms. However, options are also possible here, because sometimes after the embryo attaches to the uterus, bleeding occurs. Women may mistake it for their period (especially if they do not have a regular cycle). This bleeding is characterized by the fact that it is shorter than normal menstruation.

Early pregnancy symptoms: frequent trips to the toilet

Nausea and vomiting, which can accompany you throughout the first trimester, are some of the most recognizable symptoms of pregnancy. Gynecologists say that what is responsible for this is what the embryo produces. Malaise tires the expectant mother and significantly worsens her well-being. Therefore, it is worth using proven ways to get rid of morning (and not only) nausea. One of them is the use of ginger - its properties have been scientifically proven to relieve nausea. Ginger is an effective digestive optimiser, helping with nausea, indigestion, flatulence, intestinal problems and other digestive ailments. Ginger can be used in its natural form by adding the fresh root to dishes or drinks, but be careful as it has warming properties. A safe option: there are preparations for pregnant women that contain a sufficient dose of ginger.

If present, the problem is frequent urination. This symptom usually appears after. The reason for this is the enlarging uterus, which begins to put pressure on the internal organs and, in particular, on the bladder. This early sign of pregnancy disappears in the second trimester, only to return in the third, to the chagrin of expectant mothers.

Early pregnancy symptoms: what could/should be happening?

Each of the early signs of pregnancy occurs in different women to varying degrees (for example, some women vomit every day in the first trimester, while others do not experience it at all), but without a doubt they can be classified as symptoms that may indicate pregnancy . The situation is different with implantation bleeding and implantation drop in basal temperature. Both occur around the 10th day after fertilization. This type of bleeding is often confused with

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